
‘Smart home’ security systems allow homeowners to check on home from smartphone

INDIANAPOLIS – Its summer vacation season and thieves know it. According to FBI statistics, crime rates, including home break-ins, increase by 10 percent during the summer months.
Two million home burglaries are reported each year in the U.S, which is about one every 13 seconds.
June, July and August are the peak months for burglaries. Officials said burglars look for signs that homeowners may be out of town.
New technology on the market is allowing homeowners to keep an eye on their home through their smartphone.
Bob Nixon has had security systems in the past, but he said none have been like his current system.
Through AT&T Digital Life, he has security and control of his home while he’s away and it’s all right at his fingertips.
“I can check whether my doors are locked, unlocked, I can actually see inside my house with a camera. I can see outside with my outdoor camera. I can change the temperature of my thermostat if I like, turn lights off and on,” Nixon said.
Having a ‘smart home‘ controlled by his smartphone gives Nixon peace of mind when he’s away for vacation or for work.
He can even set up very specific programs through his app.
“For example if I wanted to monitor if my garage door goes up when the kids are in school, if it goes up between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., I get a text that says, hey, somebody’s entered your home with a code. Not only that, I can take a snap shot of video. I have a camera mounted, so I can see who is coming in,” Nixon said. “For me, I feel more connected to my house. It actually reaches out to me.”
There are other ‘smart home’ security systems on the market. Just like a regular security system, they carry a monthly service fee. Homeowners can add as many or as few features as they desire.
Police said security systems of any kind do deter criminals and so do exterior lights. Make sure valuables are out of sight and all windows and doors are secured.
If you will be gone for more than a few days, make sure to stop your mail and newspaper delivery. Also, let your neighbors know when you’re leaving and when you’re going to be home.

